Assistant Professor

Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior

Department of Management Studies

Faculty Details

  • Citations Citations: 102
  • HIndex HIndex: 6
  • i10 Index i10 Index: 4
  • Administrative position Held 1. Nodal Officer, Internal Quality Assurance Cell
    2. Academic Counsellor
    3. Incharge Examination
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  • 9796550026
My Profile Through Diqa

Shah, T. A., Pattusamy, M., & Parray, Z. A. (2024). Psychological detachment: a bibliometric investigation within the organization’s behavior domains. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication 

Islam, S. U., Parray, Z. A., & Shah, T. A. (2024). Workplace incivility and its effect on work engagement and turnover intention: a study of service sector. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management32(4), 489-504.

Aukhoon, M. A., Iqbal, J., & Parray, Z. A. (2024). Corporate social responsibility supercharged: greening employee behavior through human resource management practices and green culture. In Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship. Emerald Publishing Limited. 

Aukhoon, M. A., Iqbal, J., & Parray, Z. A. (2024). Impact of corporate social responsibility on employee green behavior: Role of green human resource management practices and employee green culture. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 1–11.

Parray, Z. A., Iqbal, S.I. and Mushtaq, R. (2023) “Customer perception of corporate social responsibility and its impact on customer engagement: Critical significance of corporate reputation" Corporate Communications: An International Journal.  (ISSN: 1356-3289)  

Parray, Z. A., Islam, S.I. and Shah, T.A. (2023) “Workplace Incivility and its Effect on Work Engagement and Turnover Intention: A Study of Service Sector" International Journal Indian Culture and Business Management. (forthcoming in press)  (ISSN: 1753-0806) 10.1504/IJICBM.2023.10055662  

Parray, Z. A., Islam, S.I. and Shah, T.A. (2023) “Impact of workplace incivility and emotional exhaustion on job outcomes–a study of the higher education sector" International Journal of Education Management. Vol. 37 No. 5, pp. 1024-1041 (ISSN: 2051- 6614)

Shah, T.A., Parray, Z. A., and Islam, S.I. (2023) “The empirical relationship between transformational leadership and job attitudes: Mediating role of psychological capital- A study of Indian Health Services” International Journal of Public Leadership. Vol. 19 No. 1, pp. 45-63 (ISSN 2056-4929)  

Parray, Z. A., Islam, S.I. and Shah, T.A. (2023) Exploring the effect of Workplace Incivility on Job Outcomes: Testing the mediating effect of Emotional Exhaustion" Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 161-179. (ISSN: 2051-6614)

Parray, Z. A., Shah, T.A., and Islam, S.I. (2022) “Psychological capital and employee Job attitudes: the critical significance of work-life balance" Evidence-based HRM (ISSN: 2049- 3983) Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Parray, Z. A., Bhat, S, A., Rather, R, A. and Ahmad, P, S., (2022) “Investigating the Rural and Entrepreneurial Development through Microfinance” International Research Journal of Business Studies, Vol.15, no. 2 pp. 177-190 (e-SSN- 2338-4565) ISSN-2089-6271) |

Parray, Z.A. (2020) “Impact of Organizational, Personal and Interpersonal Factors on Employee Performance in Small and Medium-size Enterprises SME’s” Small enterprise development, management and Extension. Vol 47. Issue 3 p. 229-249(ISSN0970-8464)

Parray, Z.A., and Bhat, S.A. (2019) “Turnover intention’s Relationship to Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction in the Health Care Industry” Abhigyan-quest for Excellence (Management journal from Fore Vol. XXXVII No. 2 p. 48-56 (ISSN-0970-2385)    

Rather, R. A., Jaziri, D., Asad, A., Parrey, Z.A., & Najar, A. H. (2021). Tourism-based gamification as a platform for engagement and co-creation during COVID-19: framework and propositions, In Rather, S. (Ed.), Brand co-creation tourism research: contemporary issues and challenges, USA/Canada: Apple Academic Press, Inc.

Parray, Z. A., Shah, T.A., and Islam, S.I., (2022) “Empirical Analysis of Workplace Incivility, Psychological Capital, Turnover Intention, and Organizational Commitment in The Indian Service Sector” Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship. Vol 2. Issue pp. 32- 46 (E_SSN-2 229-5348) 

Parray, Z. A., and Rather, R, (2022) “Examining the Rural and Entrepreneurial Development through Microfinance” Srusti Management Review Vol 15. Issue-1 pp. 34- 44

 Parray, Z.A., Bhat, S.A., and Khan,M.T.(2018) “Team Effectiveness- Relationship between Team empowerment and Team functioning” Research Guru-Journal of Multidisciplinary research.(ISSN-2349266X) p.1098-1103.

Parray, Z.A., Bhat, S.A., and Khan, M.T. (2018) “Need Satisfaction and Role Stress in the Sales Force-An empirical study of financial service Sector Inquisitive Teacher a multidisciplinary Journal.(ISSN-2455-5827)p. 16-24.

Parray, Z.A., and Bhat, S.A. (2018) “Organizational cultural and Job satisfaction - A study of health care industry” The Business Review, Vol. 22, No. 1, ISSN: 0972-8384 p. 1-17

Parray, Z.A., and Bhat, S.A. (2018) “The Effects of Organizational cultural Functions and Job satisfaction on turnover Intention-A Study of Indian health Care Industry” Journal of Commerce and Management studies. ISSN(0975623X) p.

Parray, Z.A., and Ahmad, P.S.(2016) “Personal Effectiveness: A Study of Management Students in the University of Kashmir” The International Journal of Business & Management. Vol. 4 Issue 10(ISSN 2321–8916) p. 47-51

Parray, Z.A., and Bhat, S.A.(2016) (2016) “Organizational Culture-A Study of Health Care Sector In The State Of Jammu And Kashmir” ACADEMICIA- An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal.Vol. 6 Issue 5(ISSN-2249-7137) p.5-18

Bhat, S.A., andParray, Z.A. (2016) “The Mediation role of organizational learning between team empowerment and team functioning in private colleges” Journal of Business Management and Social Science Research. Volume 5, No.5, [ISSN- 2319-5614]p.138-146

Parray, Z.A., and Bhat, S.A. (2016) “Impact of organizational culture on job satisfaction: A review “Journal of Exclusive Management Science. Vol 5 Issue 5 [ISSN-2277-5684] P. 1-11

Parray, Z.A.(2015) “The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Employee Job Satisfaction in the Banking Industry of J&K State in India” International Journal of Exclusive Management and Research-Vol 5 Issue 7 –ISSN(Online 2249–2585 Print-2249- 8672) p 1-8

Scholar Name Programme Status
TANVEER AHMAD SHAH Integrated Ph.D Awarded
SHAHBAZ UL ISLAM Integrated Ph.D Awarded
JUNAID IQBAL Integrated Ph.D Registered