• Dated: 15-12-2022
  • Venue: GHHS,Zainapora,Shopain
  • Organized By: Administration

South Campus KU holds third session of 'Mathematics Popularisation Programme' in Shopian


Shopian, Dec 15: The third session of the ongoing 'Popularisation of Mathematics' programme was held on Thursday at Government Higher Secondary School, Zainpora, Shopian.


The programme, held as part of a month-long campaign, was organised by the Department of Mathematics, South Campus, in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology, Government of Jammu and Kashmir.


130 students from several secondary and senior secondary schools of district Shopian participated in the programme along with their escort teachers.


Director South Campus Dr Mukhtar A Khanday delivered a special lecture and highlighted the importance and beauty of mathematics in shaping the universe. He also spelt out the objective of conducting the awareness programme among students of various schools in Kashmir. 


He said that a trending term "Mathophoba" has taken a toll on the mathematical understanding of the students.  


Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Zainpora, who graced the occasion as guest of honour, said that people are using mathematics in their daily lives, from calculations to operating Android phones.


He said there is a great need to augment the mathematical skills of students at school level.


Earlier, Academic Coordinator, Department of Mathematics, South Campus, Dr. Feroz Ahmad Bhat presented a welcome address and gave a detailed account of the programme. He also delivered a lecture during a technical session.


Four technical sessions were conducted by experts from Physics, Economics and Mathematics, including Dr Farooq Ahmad Sheikh, Head and Assistant Professor, GCW Nawakadal; Dr. Rameez Ahmad, Lecturer School Education and Dr. Basharat Hussain, Lecturer, Physics, School Education Department.


Principal GHSS, Zainpora delivered a vote of thanks while Mohammad Ahsan, a teacher at the school, conducted proceedings of the event.